Board of Directors
PTC attaches great importance to the diversity of board members. In order to reinforce corporate governance and promote sound development of board composition and structure, the capabilities that the board of directors should possess as specified in Article 20 of the Company's "Corporate Governance Code" are as follows: 1. Business judgment ability, 2. Accounting and financial analysis ability, 3. Management ability, 4. Crisis handling ability, 5. Industry knowledge, 6. Global market perspectives, 7. Leadership, and 8. Decision-making ability.
Directors’ Biographies
Major Experience
Current Position
Chang-An Chiang
Department of Electrophysics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Marketing Manager, UMC
Chairman of PTC
Taihsin Co., Ltd. Representative:
Wei-Ru Zhang
Department of Tourism,
Ming Chuan University
Taiwan-Asia Semiconductor Corp.
Foresight Tech. Corp.
Taihsin Co., Ltd. Representative:
Lin Zhong
Master of Department of Architecture,
Kuan Xu Interior Decoration Co., Ltd.
Zhonglin Architects Office
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Representative: Hsuan-Hui Lin
Ph.D., Department of Photonics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Chairman, Department of Electrophysics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Professor, Department of Electrophysics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Independent Director
Yu-Feng Ma
Ph.D., Business Administration, National Taipei University
Officer of Economic Research,
Central Bank
Department of Finance and Banking, Shin Chien University
Independent Director
Hsueh-Min Wu
Master of Commerce, University of Chicago
Vice President,
Dachan Great Wall Group. Auditing Dept.
Independent Director of Unifosa
Independent Director
Yi-Chen Tsai
Master of Commerce, Ohio University
CFO and Spokesperson, Saiyan Genomics
Independent Director
Zhi-Ling Chen
Master of Accounting,
National Cheng-Chi University
Auditing member of Taipei CPA association.
CPA of Nexia Sunrise Accounting Firm
Independent Director of Unifosa
Performance Evaluation of Board of Directors
PTC has established directors’ performance evaluation system. The board of directors approved the " Performance Evaluation System for Directors and Functional Committees" in FY2021 to encourage the Board and functional committee members’ self-invigoration, thereby enhancing the operational effectiveness of the Board and functional committees. Internal performance evaluation is conducted in the first quarter of next year, and the evaluation results were submitted to the Board in the first quarter of next year.
The internal evaluation results of FY2023 for Board of Directors, Audit Committee and Compensation Committee were "Excellent" and have been reported to the Board of Directors on February 29, 2024. They are operating well in improving the quality of the Board's decision-making and the directors' participation in the company's operations.
Implementation of Board and Functional Committee Evaluation
Evaluation Cycle
Evaluation Period
Scope of assessment
Evaluate Method
Evaluation Content
Run once a year
Performance Evaluation of Board and Individual Board Members and Functional Committees
Internal self-evaluation of the board and self-evaluation of the members of the Directors
- Evaluating Board Performance: Engagement of the Company's Operations, Quality of Board Decisions, Composition and Structure of the Board, Election of Directors, Continuous Education and Internal Control
- Performance evaluation of individual Directors: mastery of company goals and tasks, awareness of Directors' responsibilities, participation in company operations, internal relationship management and communication, professional and continuous development of Directors and internal control
- Performance evaluation of the functional committee: the degree of participation in the operation of the company, awareness of functional committee responsibilities, enhance the quality of decision-making of functional committees, the composition of functional committees and member selection and internal control
Board Diversity
To strengthen the operation of the Board of Directors and functions “Board Diversity”, the company has a diversified and professional Board of Directors composed of experts and scholars with industry, accounting, business and investment. The Board members have industry experience, covering operation judgment, corporate governance and management Professional areas such as risk management and sustainability management.
The company focuses on the industrial experience and professional abilities of board members. The specific management goal of the board member diversity policy is to have at least 3 directors with financial accounting and taxation expertise, and at least 2 female directors. Currently, among the 8 directors of the company, 4 are directors with financial accounting and tax qualifications, and 3 are female directors, all of which account for 100% of the seats.
Board of Directors 8 seats, including 1 natural person Director, 3 Corporate Directors and 4 Independent Directors, Diversified composition, with different core competencies, Independent Directors with different professional background, effectively undertaking their duties, including establishing a good board governance system and guiding the company management The hierarchy is committed to maximizing Stakeholder equity by strengthening management functions and overseeing the overall operating conditions of the company.
Board members are diversified according to their academic experience, professional field and related background:

Disclosure of Professional Qualifications and Experience of Directors:
Professional Qualifications and Experience
Chang-An Chiang
B.S., Department of Electrophysics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, previously served as the Marketing Manager of UMC, and currently serves as Chairman of Princeton Technology Corp.
Mr. Chang-An Chiang is the founder of Princeton Technology Corp.
and a pioneer in Taiwan's IC design industry, focusing on IC design and management of semiconductor industry, with rich operational judgment ability, management ability, leadership and other diverse professional background.
Wei-Ru Zhang
Department of Tourism, Ming Chuan University, served as Director of Taiwan-Asia Semiconductor Corp. and is currently the Director of Foresight Tech. Corp.
Ms. Wei-Ru Zhang has extensive director experience in the electronic technology industry.
Lin Zhong
Master of Department of Architecture, NCKU, served as the representative of Kuan Xu Interior Decoration Co.,Ltd, and is currently the Representative of Zhonglin Architects Office.
Mr. Lin Zhong has extensive company management capabilities.
Hsuan-Hui Lin
Ph.D., Department of Photonics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, served as Head of Department of Electrophysics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, and currently Professor of Department of Electrophysics at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University.
Mr. Lin has rich academic experience and professional ability in electronic physics. He has a considerable understanding and involvement in the company's products and operations, and can provide suggestions and assistance on the company's products and operations.
Hsueh-Min Wu
Master of Business, University of Chicago, USA, served as vice President of Auditing office of Dachan Great Wall Group.
Ms. Wu specializes in internal audit, financial professional and corporate management.
Yi-Chen Tsai
Master of Business, Ohio University, USA, served as Chief Financial Officer and Spokesperson of Vita Genomics Inc.
Ms. Yi-Chen Tsai specializes in financial accounting and corporate governance.
Yu-Feng Ma
Ph.D., Business Administration, National Taipei University, and currently serves as an assistant professor in the Department of Finance and Banking, Shin Chien University.
Mr. Yu Fung Ma specializes in financial accounting and corporate governance.
Zhi-Ling Chen
Master of Accounting, National Cheng-Chi University, served as auditing member of Taipei CPA association and is currently CPA of Nexia Sunrise Accounting Firm.
Mr. Zhi-Ling Chen has rich academic experience, internal auditing, corporate governance and financial accounting capabilities. He has extensive experience in corporate operations and growth, and has the ability to analyze and apply financial information.
The company currently has 8 directors, 3 of whom are female directors, accounting for 37.5% of all directors; 1 director who is an employee (12.5%); 4 independent directors (50%). 2 independent directors’ term were within 19 years, 1 was within 16 years, and 1 was within 1 year. 6 directors were aged 61-70, 1 was 51-60, and 1 was 31-40. All directors are local nationality.
Succession planning for board members and important management
- Succession planning of board members
The Board will adopt a candidate nomination process for the election of directors, with which the duration of term for all Directors is three years. The election of directors shall be handled in accordance with the Company's "Director Election Measures", unless otherwise provided by laws or regulations.
The selection of directors of the company should consider the overall configuration of the board of directors, and the composition of directors should consider diversification, and develop appropriate diversification policies based on their own operations, operating types and development needs. As for independent directors, they must have work experience required for business, legal affairs, finance, accounting, or company business. The company will appoint independent directors in accordance with law to strengthen corporate governance.
2.Succession planning for important management
The managers of the company are important management members who have the necessary professional skills and experience and are responsible for organizational management, operation management and other related businesses.
In order to cultivate successor candidates for managers, in addition to improve the professional and management capabilities of potential successors through training mechanisms, we also assign project tasks, job representation, and arrange to participate in important internal operation and management meetings for practical training, and conduct regular performance appraisals and annual interview mechanism.
Assessing the independence and competency of CPA
PTC's board of directors has evaluated the independence and competency of the certified accountants with reference to the Audit Quality Indicators (AQIs) on May 8, 2024. It is expected to conduct regular evaluations once a year. The evaluation procedures and specific evaluation standards are as follows:
1. Professionalism
- Audit experience and seniority of CPAs, case quality control review (EQCR) accountants and auditors, and the proportion of personnel at the audit department
- Training hours for CPAs and management level or above
- Turnover rate and professional support.
2. Quality control
- CPA load: the number of public companies for CPA serve as chief signers, and the proportion of CPAs’ available working hours.
- Proportion of auditing hours at each stage and level
- Case quality control review situation: EQCR accountant’s proportion of review hours
3. Independence
- Fee proportion for non-audit services for audit cases
- The cumulative number of years the audit cases have been issued by the firm’s annual financial report
- Declaration of independence from CPAs and auditors
4. Supervision
- External inspection deficiencies and penalties: number of quality control deficiencies, average number of deficiencies in audit cases and punishment cases
- Proportion of improvement letters issued by competent authorities
5. Innovation ability
- Promote audit digitization
- Upgrade information security
- Talent management and development
- Risk management and control
Major Resolutions
1. Implementation of important resolutions of Shareholders' Meeting in 2024
Review of implementation
- Recognized the Company's 2023 annual business report and the list of final statements
- Adoption of the Proposal for 2023 Earning Distribution
- The related operation was performed.
- The related operation was performed.
2. Important Board of Directors Resolutions for the year 2024
4th meeting of 13th term
- 2023 Statement on Internal Control System.
- Report on the performance evaluation results of the company’s board of directors
- Report on the company’s ESG plan and preparation progress of the sustainability report.
- Passed 2024 Annual Accountant verification visa public fee.
- Recognition of the financial statements of the year 2023 and the consolidated financial statements.
- Recognition of the 2023 surplus distribution.
- Passed the 2023 annual compensation distribution case for employees and Directors.
- Passed the company's subsidiary Princeton Technology Corporation Chuangzhi (Chengdu) to China Merchants Bank financing loan case.
- Amendments to some provisions of the Endorsement were passed.
- Passed the 2024 annual operation plan.
- The date, place and motion of the 2024 Annual General Shareholders' Meeting were passed.
5th meeting of 13th term
- Report on the company’s audit status in the first quarter of 2024.
- Report on the company’s ESG plan and preparation progress of the sustainability report.
- Report on the shareholder proposals at the company’s 2024 shareholder meeting
- Recognition of the consolidated financial statements of the first quarter of 2024.
- Passed the 2024 Annual Business Report.
- Passed the 2024 annual CPA independence assessment.
- Appointment of the company’s President.
6th meeting of 13th term
- Report on the company’s audit status in the second quarter of 2024.
- Report on the company’s directors’ and key employees’ liability insurance.
- Report on the company’s ESG plan.
- Report on the company’s communication with various stakeholders.
- Recognition of the consolidated financial statements of the second quarter of 2024.
- Passed the 2023 sustainability report
- Set up a part-time unit to promote sustainable development and formulate a "Code of Practice for Sustainable Development"
- Set up an integrity management promotion group and formulate the "Integrity Management Code" and "Integrity Management Operating Procedures and Conduct Guidelines".
- Formulate the "Code of Ethical Conduct"
7th meeting of 13th term
- Report on the company’s audit status in the third quarter of 2024.
- Report on the company’s ESG plan.
- Report on the content of the company’s sustainable development promotion group meeting
- Passed 2025 auditing plan.
- Established the company's internal control system of "sustainable information management".
- Passed the 2024 Manager key performance indicators and measurement mechanism.
- Passed the 2024 annual performance appraisal and year-end bonus issuance.
- Renewed through the current year's bank quota.
- Recognition of the consolidated financial statements of the third quarter of 2024
- Invest in Venture Capital through the company’s subsidiary Chengyi Investment.