Implementation of preventing insider trading

  1. PTC's board of directors approved the amendment of the "Management Measures for Preventing Insider Trading" on May 4, 2023. The regulation explicitly prohibited directors, employees and other insiders from using undisclosed information in the market to buy and sell securities.
  2. The company has disclosed the " Management Measures for Preventing Insider Trading " on the company's official website. Please refer to the relevant corporate governance regulations for details.
  3. Promotion of the Law on Preventing Insider Trading: The company has been promoting insider trading prevention to current directors for 2024, and reminded directors not to trade their stocks during the closed period of 30 days before the announcement of annual financial reports and 15 days before the announcement of quarterly financial reports to prevent directors from accidentally violating the regulations.  Subsequently, the company will regularly notify the directors the closing period before the annual and quarterly financial report announcements.