Occupational Safety and Health Management

PTC passed the OHSAS 18001:1999 occupational health and safety management system certification in 2002, and obtained the ISO 45001:2018 occupational safety and health management system certification in 2020. In 2023, PTC once again obtained the ISO 45001 verification and certificate through SGS third-party verification, and According to Article 1-1 of the Occupational Safety and Health Management Measures, safety and health organizations and occupational safety management personnel are set up according to the scale and nature of the enterprise. In addition, special medical staff are set up to perform on-site health services in accordance with labor health protection rules. The company holds environmental, safety and health (ISO 45001 and ISO 14001) management review meetings every quarter, and formulates occupational safety and health management plans, human-related hazard prevention plans, and work-related hazards prevention plans in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Law and its sub-laws. The illegal infringement prevention plan, abnormal work load-related disease prevention and management plan, maternal health protection plan, hazard communication plan, etc. are regularly reviewed, updated and revised.


Occupational Safety and Health Committee

PTC established the Occupational Safety and Health Committee in accordance with Article 14 of the "Occupational Safety and Health Law" and the "Management Measures for the Establishment of Occupational Safety and Health Committees". The committee is chaired by the President of the company, and has an executive secretary and seven members, including three labor representatives, all of whom are elected by labor representatives at the labor-management meeting. They account for 42% of the total members of the occupational safety and health committee to assist supervise and recommend relevant plans for occupational safety and health management, and ensure that labor opinions are fully reflected.

The Occupational Safety and Health Committee meets quarterly to review, coordinate and promote company-wide safety and health management matters. The meeting was attended by occupational safety personnel, labor representatives and personnel related to environmental safety and health from each unit to jointly discuss and report on the implementation of environmental safety and health business in each department. At the meeting, labor representatives have the right to request detailed explanations from the management on safety and health issues. Both labor and management coordinate, review and communicate through the Occupational Safety and Health Committee meeting to ensure the effective implementation and continuous improvement of the company's safety and health management.


Occupational safety and health education and training

In order to improve employees' work safety and health knowledge, PTC not only strengthens publicity to employees through posters, literature and other methods from time to time, but also arranges employees to conduct regular environmental safety and health education and training, focusing on occupational safety for new employees and current employees. Health education training, emergency response, fire protection training and other courses and professional certificate personnel should go to qualified training institutions to participate in training.

The training points are as follows:

1. Instruct new employees on general safety and health knowledge, including industrial safety, fire protection, and first aid.

2. Earthquake and fire emergency response training for all employees

3. All colleagues conduct evacuation drills and use protective gear when a disaster occurs

4. Education and training on labeling of hazardous chemicals and general rules for personnel involved in chemical operations