PTC has been awarded "Motor Controlling Circuit for Multiple Control Modes" in China.

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PTC has been awarded "Zero-temperature-coefficient voltage or current generator" in ROC.

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PTC has been awarded "Motor Controller" in ROC.

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PTC has been awarded "Circuit Test Apparatus" in US.

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PTC has been awarded "Adjustable voltage comparing circuit and adjustable voltage examining device" in US.


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PTC has been awarded "Method and apparatus for calibrating the brightness of the carbon nanotube display" in ROC.



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PTC has been awarded "Image Display Device" in ROC.


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PTC has been awarded "Device for Carrier Recovery and Related Method" in China.


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PTC has been awarded "Logic tester and method for simultaneously measuring delay periods of multiple tested devices" in China.



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PTC has been awarded "Image Display Device" in China.


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